Travel Health and Vaccinations

We are happy to deal with all enquiries regarding foreign travel, including vaccinations recommended and general advice. If you are planning to travel abroad, please contact the surgery 6 to 8 weeks or more prior to travel in order to allow sufficient time for your required vaccination course. We provide a wide range of travel vaccinations (except Yellow Fever).

Travel Vaccinations

If you require any vaccinations relating to foreign travel:

Please ensure you give us at least 6 weeks notice if this is not the case it is unlikely we will be able to offer you an appointment at the practice and you will have to attend an external travel clinic.

  • You will need to complete a Travel Risk Assessment form (also available at reception) and return the form to reception. Your destination(s) with details of areas within countries that you are visiting, length of stay at each location, and your contact details (including your email address)
  • A member of our nursing team will then contact you via email. They will make a recommendation (having checked your immunisation record) about what you need and also suggest next steps.

There is further information about countries and vaccinations required on at Travel Health Pro.

It is important that you contact us at least 6 weeks before you travel as some vaccines have to be ordered as they are not stock items.

Some travel vaccines are ordered on a private prescription and these incur a charge over and above the normal prescription charge. This is because not all travel vaccinations are included in the services provided by the NHS.

Anti Malarials

Anti Malarials can no longer be given on NHS prescription

Recent changes in Southwark mean that unfortunately GPs can no longer prescribe malaria prevention medicines for travel on NHS prescriptions, but can do so on private prescriptions. Please contact us for charges.

Travelling in Europe

See travelling to Europe the EU for further information.

Travel health advice leaflet

Please download our travel advice leaflet detailing some simple dos and don’ts to help keep you healthy and safe whilst on holiday.

Travel advice about Zika

Zika Virus Country Specific Risk

Health Conditions Zika Virus

Useful Information